August 1997 – N° 27 – ENGLISH



Time and again, from the very start of our mission at the helm of the French Organising Committee, we have expressed one objective particularly dear to our hearts: namely, to have young people at the centre of the World Cup. And we have been constant in working towards this goal. In this “Crusade” for young people, we have teamed up with many public authorities, in particular the Ministry for Youth Affairs and Sport, and all of them show the same dedication. Our aim is to make a concerted effort to create a strong dynamic and promote a sense of initiative. So we have set up a special committee whose brief is to search out and help to realise a number of projects aimed at young people all over the world. The Football World Cup is, in fact, a fantastic opportunity for France to demonstrate its warm spirit of hospitality and its love of life. And we are counting on the natural enthusiasm and openness of the young to instil the event with just those qualities.


F. Seguin
J. Prevos
C. Liewig
JJ. Brochard

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