World at Play Tickets Q and A

Last update : 25/03/1998

How many tickets will be on sale for the non-French public ?

Around 1 in 3 tickets is allocated to non French public.

When will tickets be available ?

Tickets are now on sale through National Football Associations and Authorised Tour Operators likewise for the Prestige Seats, which are being sold by the CFO.

I am a foreign citizen, how can I get tickets ?

You can contact either your National Football Association or one of the Authorised Tour Operators selected by the French Organising Committee in the FIFA zone of the two teams playing in the relevant match.

Prestiges Seats may be ordered by downloading the order form (to be returned by post to the CFO with the correct payment).

Where can I find their name and address ?

List on the Internet ( under the heading “Les billets” or in “Maison de la France” offices abroad or upon written request to the CFO (fax : 33 1 44 14 18 00, address : France 98, BP 1998 – 75201 Paris Cedex 16).

No Tour Operator is mentioned on the Internet for Romania. How can I get tickets ?

Contact the Football Association of Romania or a sales outlet in the nearest country belonging, in this case, to the UEFA zone (Europe).

Are there any tickets left for the Final ? The opening game?

Ask your National Football Association or Authorised Tour Operators

On 24 March, there were still some Prestige Or seats left for the Opening Match

Can I purchase tickets to follow any team ?

Yes you can. These tickets are sold by National Football Associations or Authorised Tour Operators upon availibility or by buying Prestige seats from the CFO.

Will the tickets be sold individually or as part of a package ?

Ask your National Football Association or Authorised Tour Operators, the latter can offer you single tickets or packages (including transport, meals…)

Can I buy a ticket for all the matches ?

Yes you can. These tickets are sold by National Football Associations or Authorised Tour Operators upon availibility or by buying Prestige seats from the CFO, depending on availability.

As I am now visiting France, can I buy tickets directly from the CFO ?

As regards tickets for the general public, the French Organising Committee does not sell ticket directly to the non-French public. We suggest you to contact Football Associations and Authorised Tour Operators.

Regarding Prestige Seats, you can download the order form and return it to the CFO together with your payment.

What will be the price for the tickets sold abroad ?

National Football Associations and Authorised Tour Operators are responsible on deciding the price of the tickets there are selling.

The prices for the Prestige seats can be found in this Website.

How many tickets can I order ?

Ask your National Football Association or Authorised Tour Operators : 4 tickets per person, per match for the first round and the 1/8, and 2 tickets per person and per match from the ╝ up to the Finale.

Prestige seats are limited to 20 per match.


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