FFF Body
- Training youngsters is the key to the future. This has always been a catchword of the Fédération Française de Football.
- In order to prepare tomorrow’s elite, the most-effective methods have been established. Coaching starts at the bottom using more and better qualified technical trainers in all its clubs. The trainers themselves receive training and are awarded state diplomas.
- At the same time, rigorous and precise work is carried out to identify the most promising elements and to direct them if they wish, towards pre-training centres. The Institut National du Football, veritable “football university” is without doubt the most prestigious of these centres.
- Situated at the Centre Technique National du Football in Clairefontaine (Yvelines), the French team’s preparation centre for international matches, the Institut national du Football offers youngsters excellent equipment within a top quality framework Its pre-training policy is one of the FFF Direction Technique National achievements.
- Youngsters are offered the best possible conditions for their development. Their schooling is identical to that of other youngsters of their age, but they benefit from extra time to improve their physical, technical and tactical qualities.
- The effectiveness of pre-training is indisputable, and the professional clubs fight over the youngsters trained in these centres, who rapidly prove their worth. The youngsters are a boon!
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- Soon, training will find its source in primary schools where children will benefit from regular practice of this top sport within the framework of school sports activities.
- At this stage, there is no question of competition, but rather a wonderful opportunity to discover football and the way of life it represents.
* Images provided by EDS through its relationship with Allsport photography.
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