FRANCE 98 – Hosts

Jointly presided by Fernand Sastre and Michel Platini, FRANCE 98 has fixed some simple but demanding guidelines: professionalism, method, imagination, rigour and solidarity.

This budget stands at FF 2.421 billion, both for revenue and expenditure. This budget covers the costs of the actual organisation, as well as investments for the installation of infrastructures such as the media centres, hospitality villages and accreditation units. It does not incorporate expenditures relating to the construction or renovation of stadiums.

The Committee has no public grant or subsidy to finance its expenditure. It is up to the Committee to balance the budget through two main sources of revenue: its commercial partners on the one hand, and the sale of tickets on the other.

The ten cities where the 62 matches will be played are the vital partners of the organisation. Thanks to their investments, the availability of their sports facilities, the quality of their reception services, their direct involvement in the preparations and the evolution of the event, these host cities are called upon to play a key role in the success of the World Cup, in cooperation with their departments and regions.

An Interministerial Delegation was set up in March 1993 to coordinate the measures taken by the Government in preparation for the 1998 World Cup. The Government’s role is to see that all the deadlines for installing the facilities required for the competition are met, to ensure the overall security of the event, and also to develop the economic, social and cultural spin-offs of hosting such an event.

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