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Individual Prestige Argent and Or seatsAs from 1 February, the Prestige (Argent and Or) seats on offer in the World Cup stadiums are now available as individual match by match tickets. These seats, which come with a range of hospitality services, were originally only on offer as group reservations for all the matches in the first round and the round of sixteen in any one stadium.

Specially designed for companies wishing to develop their public relations activities during the World Cup, the FRANCE 98 Prestige Seats are also available to individual customers in France and abroad. They are being sold exclusively by the French Organising Committee.

The Prestige Argent package consists of an excellent seat in the stands, a gift, the match programme and a drink on arrival in the Prestige Area, as well as special access to the Jules Rimet Circle (exclusive club) and Mondiresa, the World Cup hotel reservation centre. The Prestige Or includes all the Prestige Argent privileges, plus a meal served in the Prestige area and a parking space (I per 4 Prestige Or seats purchased).

Although 10 matches are already sold out in this seat category, including the Opening match and the Final, some Prestige Or and Argent tickets are still available for the 54 other matches. Prices depend on the category, the match and the stadium, and start at FF 1,700 (excluding tax).

Reservations exclusively with the French Organising Committee
Tel. : 01 44 14 10 60 / Fax : 01 44 14 10 70

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